Image::Runner(tm) ------------------- developers' pcx display utility for DOS applications a product of RCCO Research Capabilities ------------- Image::Runner(tm) is basically a simple utility that allows DOS executable applications to display a developer- or enduser-designed VGA .pcx file from anywhere within the application. It is provided in form of a small, efficient, fast .exe meant to be called with the system command processor in the host application. Image::Runner will display 640x480x16 VGA pcx images that may contain static graphs, artwork, or other graphic objects needed in an application. While it has always been possible to execute other programs from within an application that will display such images, Image::Runner provides advantages for the commercial developer in that, upon payment of a very nominal registration fee, it may included and distributed with multiple applications legally and without further license, restriction, or payment of runtime royalties. Image::Runner may be called multiple times from within an application and adds little overhead to the executable sequence. The called pcx image displays until the end-user presses a key, then returns quickly and efficiently to the calling program. Image::Runner may be used with most traditional MS-DOS language executables, including those created with CA-Clipper, Borland Turbo Pascal, QuickBASIC, PowerBasic, Visual Basic(tm) for DOS, dBase, Clarion, C, etc. It is very small, very efficient, and executes cleanly and quickly from within any DOS program; its small file size (about 29k, not compressed) provides for minimal space usage on distribution disks and is non-obtrusive and very discrete to the end-user as to its purpose. (An attempt by an end-user to execute '_i_.exe' without knowledge of the proper command line parameter will yield nothing other than an exit back to the DOS prompt.) Image::Runner image displays will run under both DOS and Windows. The chief advantages, aside from the displays themselves, are both low cost and method of acquisition. The copy included herewith is a fully-functional evaluation copy available easily and universally through the user-supported software marketplace. IRDemo.exe and the sample files -------------------------------- To run the demonstration files included in this package (IRDEMO.EXE and 2 sample pcx files), copy all pertinent files (including _I_.EXE) to a directory on the hard disk (or a ram drive), and simply execute IRDEMO from the DOS prompt. IRDEMO is a C language program that will call the Image::Runner utility (ie, _i_.exe) twice using the system() function; other languages will call a similar instruction (see below). For tolerable viewing results, do not run the demo from a floppy drive. Preparation of images ---------------------- Image::Runner is particularly effective for software developers preparing static graphs, artwork, or other images for their applications, in that they can easily capture usable materials with programs like Hijaak(tm) for Windows and modify or create them in editing programs such as Windows(tm) Paintbrush. Image names may also be selected by the end-user via a menu selection and passed to to the calling sequence with the appropriate string. The only requirement is that images must be finally saved in 640x480 16- color VGA .pcx file format. If you are doing image preparation in Windows, you will have to load a 16-color video driver for 640x480 VGA in order to prepare proper images. This format is used since it is the most universal that will allow presentations to be viewed on as many DOS and/or Windows VGA systems as possible. Do not build your images with 256 or more colors as they will not display with Image::Runner. The end-user should then be able to properly display using any VGA card and driver with 16 or more colors; it is only during the preparation and saving of .pcx images that you must use a 640x480x16 driver. We have observed excellent, consistent results with using a program such as Hijaak(tm) for Windows to capture entire DOS or Windows screens, or selected areas of screens, or a particular window on a full Windows screen. The pre- parer then does final editing, adding text, drawing lines or other objects, in a drawing program. For example, the two sample pcx images provided with this package were done entirely in the program that comes free with Win- dows(tm) 3.1: Paintbrush. The inset picture in _ADMIN1.PCX was captured from a black and white line drawing with a hand scanner and edited in Paint- brush. Other graphics programs are likely to provide compatible material, but they must be tried on a test basis with Image::Runner. The two programs mentioned above work well for most users, are widely available, and do not require great technical or artistic ability. Scanned images will be effective in Image::Runner if they are saved in the proper format. If one format you are using seems not workable, try saving that image in another program, such as Windows Paintbrush; we have often found that certain images work better when converted or simply saved in another program's format even though they may use the same .pcx extension. When attempting to use monochrome pcx files, resave them as 16-color 640x480 VGA pcx files. Even though the appearance may remain the same, they will be saved in a format usable by Image::Runner. Once you find the right combination of steps to produce pcx file formats consistently usable by Image::Runner, you will save a great deal of time and effort by always using that combination in future applications. Running Image::Runner from within your application --------------------------------------------------- The basic requirement is that the image files and the related executables be placed in the same directory on a hard drive. Alternatively, the Image::Runnner executable may be in the path, and the .pcx files may be local in any directory from which you wish the images to display. You should advise end-users against running your application from a floppy disk, due to the slowness of building the on-screen image when reading from a diskette. Your end-users will certainly need VGA graphics capabilities to view your images. If a user attempts execution on a non-VGA-capable system, a simple screen will display the message ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» º º º Image display requires VGA graphics. º º (640x480x16) º º º ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ and return to the calling program after a 2-second delay. The calling sequence for all languages will consist of the traditional instruction for utilizing the command processor from within the program plus an indication of the command line parameters: _i_ x.pcx where '_i_' indicates the _I_.EXE Image::Runner utility, and 'x.pcx' is the full filename (including extension) of the 640x480x16 pcx image you wish to display. The image will not display without specifying the .pcx extension. You need not specify a clearscreen before or after the image display; a clearscreen is automatic with an Image::Runner call. Therefore, it may be desirable to save and restore (or recreate) the screen existing at the time of the call. Also, if the non-VGA text screen is displayed (see above), please note that the text cursor is momentarily turned off and then turned on again as the screen exits; if, by chance, your program was originally executing with the text cursor turned off, you may need to turn it off again upon reentry. Specific languages example calls --------------------------------- The following examples provide typical calls to display a 640x480x16 pcx image from within a program. QuickBASIC, PowerBasic, Visual Basic for DOS --------------------------------------------- RUN "_I_ X.PCX" dBase and Clipper S '87 ------------------------ RUN _I_ X.PCX CA-Clipper ----------- run _i_ x.pcx // may also be overlayed with Blinker's // SwpRunCmd("_i_ x.pcx") // although this may be overkill for a simple // utility such as Image::Runner. Clarion -------- OPEN(SCREEN) RUN('_I_ X.PCX') CLOSE(SCREEN) RETURN Turbo Pascal ------------- This is one suggestion for Turbo Pascal use; most Pascal developers will have their own preferred method of executing a DOS program from within an application. {$M $8192,0,0 } { stacks spec, used by drun procedure } uses crt, dos; procedure drun(what : string); begin swapvectors; exec(getenv('COMSPEC'), '/C ' + what); swapvectors; if DosError <> 0 then WriteLn('Could not execute COMMAND.COM'); WriteLn; end; { call the image display within the program: } drun('_I_ X.PCX'); C programs ----------- Although there are several excellent ways to call DOS processes, including the many variants of SPAWN and EXEC, we provide herewith the simple and direct use of the system() function. #include /* or stdlib.h */ ... system("_I_ X.PCX"); (The sample demo program included in this package uses the system() function.) Other development environments will have equivalent methods for executing a DOS executable program via the command processor; consult the appropriate reference manual for specific procedures. Batch files ------------ @echo off _i_ x.pcx From the DOS system prompt --------------------------- C:\DIR\_i_ x.pcx In all instances, the calling of '_i_.exe' and the resulting image display do not require a great deal of memory and therefore generally may be used in a typical 640k DOS memory environment. Troubleshooting ---------------- The only caveat we might offer with this program is that if you find that your images do not display, or do not display properly, it is probably because they have been created or saved in a format that may only be slightly incompatible with that which Image::Runner requires. Before you decide that the Image::Runner program is not usable in such instances, try the suggestion given before for re-saving your .pcx files in another graphics program. Most image-editing programs will read files in several formats, and often allow conversions, or perhaps will save them in a later .pcx format that will work with applications such as Image::Runner. Also, make certain that images are saved in 640x480 by 16-color format by using the proper software and/or video drivers to handle the format. Program Requirements --------------------- The requirements for running Image::Runner include a DOS-compatible PC with 512k memory, VGA graphics capability, and a hard drive. DOS 3.1 (or later) or Windows 3.x (or later) should be utilized. The Unregistered Evaluation Copy --------------------------------- The unregistered version of this program is intended for use in evaluation situations. It may be used for ninety (90) days within your own organ- ization by persons that have knowledge and understanding of the fact that this is an unregistered evaluation copy. The payment of the $24.95 purchase price for a registered copy of this program will allow license for a single user to make use of the program for purposes that are traditionally accepted for software utilities of this type. Additional site license fees of $10.00 per user may be paid at the time of registration, or any time in the future after initial registration at the then current license fee in effect. There are no runtime royalties involved in the distribution of your materials utilizing a duly registered copy of Image::Runner. The license and authorized registration shall not be construed as being in effect until direct payment has been received by RCCO Research and an authorized, registered copy has been sent in the registered user's/users' name(s). The Registered Version of Image::Runner -------------------------------------------- The registered copy performs the same execution as the evaluation copy, only without the unregistered copy delay at the close of the VGA display. Documentation for the registered version is an on-disk text file, similar to the present format. Licensing Information ---------------------- This program is licensed and supplied as is, without any warranty. To the extent permitted under applicable law, RCCO Research Associates disclaims all warranties, either expressed or implied, with respect to this software program, its quality, performance, merchantability, or fitness for any particular purpose. In particular, this software program is not guaranteed to prevent or detect damage to your data or programs. In no event shall RCCO Research Associates be liable for any claims for lost profits or any damage, including, but not limited to, special, incidental, consequential or other damage (including, without limitation, damages for loss of business profits, business interrup- tion, loss of business information, or other pecuniary loss) arising out of the use of or inability to use this RCCO Research Associates product, even if RCCO Research Associates has been advised of the possibility of such damages. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you. In no case shall RCCO Research Associates's liability exceed the license fees paid for the right to use the licensed version of the software. The license agreement and warranty shall be construed, interpreted and governed by the laws of the state of Tennessee. This software program is protected under the Copyright Laws of the United States of America and all applicable International Copyright Conventions. Makers and/or users of illegal or unauthorized copies of the registered version are subject to prosecution under these laws. The name Image::Runner(tm) is a trademark of RCCO Research Associates. Windows(tm) is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation. Other trade names referenced herein are either trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. Registration Notes ------------------- Registration will obtain a copy of the most recent authorized version and provide legal authorization for continued use of the program after the ninety-day (90-day) evaluation period. To obtain a registered copy, you must mail an advance-payment registration fee of U.S. $24.95 + $2.55 shipping/handling ($7.05 non-U.S. shipping/ handling, $4.05 for Canada) directly to RCCO Research. Additional users are $10.00 per user. Payment is to be made by check or money order only, please. We require payment with order so that prices and fees may be kept as reasonable as possible; this policy has worked well for us in recent years, as we observe increased registration on products that are reasonably priced. For telephone and credit card orders, see Additional Ordering Options note below. An invoice will be included with your order, showing the registered serial number(s) applicable to the purchase. We can provide a pro forma invoice to those corporations or institutions that require same before payment can be issued; shipment will be made promptly upon receipt of payment. Prices and/or registration and/or license fees are subject to change. Tennessee clients please include the required 8.5% sales tax on both the product amount and shipping/handling as mandated by the state. International clients must pay by check or money order in U.S. dollars, drawn on a U.S. bank or the U.S. branch of an international bank. Please realize that international postal money orders are considerably delayed through the postal systems and may not be the most expedient way of relaying payment. An often-used form of payment consists of obtaining a dollar-denominated money order from the local American Express office which you may then airmail to us along with your order. International orders are dispatched promptly when using a credit card order as outlined below, under Additional Ordering Options. Please indicate program name and current version number on your order; you may use the Order.frm file provided in this package, or simply send a note or letter with your name, organization name, address, program name and version, number of users being licensed, and remittance. Your comments on our programs are welcomed. Additional Ordering Options: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- CREDIT CARD ORDERS ONLY - You may order a registered copy of this RCCO Research program with MC, Visa, Amex, or Discover from PsL, Public (software) Library of Houston, Texas by calling 800-242-4775 or 713-524-6394, or by FAX to 713-524-6398, or by CompuServe E-mail to 71355,470. You may also mail credit card orders to PsL at P.O. Box 35705, Houston, TX 77235-5705. PsL's item/product number for Image::Runner is #11623. THE ABOVE NUMBERS ARE FOR ORDERS ONLY. Any questions about the status of the shipment of the order, registration options, product details, technical support, volume discounts, dealer pricing, site licenses, etc. must be directed in writing to RCCO Research, P.O. Box 196, Gatlinburg, TN 37738. To ensure that you get the fastest possible delivery of your registered copy, PsL will notify us the day of your order and we will promptly ship the materials directly to you. There are no additional fees for ordering by credit card. Your credit card number is *not* transmitted to RCCO Research, but rather is processed by PsL as part of their software registration service. The above service is made available as a convenience to client individuals who feel comfortable with ordering by telephone and with a credit card. Established concerns may prefer to order directly from RCCO Research with the company's own business check. The PsL staff cannot answer non-order inquiries. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Additional Information ----------------------- If you have any comments or questions regarding this program after (or with) registration, please send them to: RCCO Research Associates P. O. Box 196 Gatlinburg, TN 37738 (U.S.A.) Please include your phone (day & evening) and fax (if any) numbers as well as your mailing address (and CompuServe number / Internet address, if any) on ALL written communications. Please indicate the serial number from your registered copy of the program as well as your CustID number. Our E-mail addresses are provided to registered users along with the invoice. RCCO Research is the publisher of Visible::Setup(tm) (a developers' installation utility for DOS applications used widely in many parts of the world), as well as several other popular development tools. Please consult your favorite user-supported software source for the availability of these and other RCCO Research DOS and Windows programs. Image::Runner(tm) ------------------ developers' pcx display utility for DOS applications (C) Copyright 1994-95 RCCO Research Associates All Rights Reserved under International Conventions Product of U.S.A. RCCO Research Associates Post Office Box 196 Gatlinburg, Tennessee 37738 (U.S.A.) ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ RCCO Research Associates ³ ³ Technical Publishers, Est. 1965 ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ